#3, NH-703A, Sultanpur Road

+91 62801-07891

FAB 902 Epoxy Grout it is a 2 component product the grout constituting of Strong Hardener, Resin and Organic Coated filler for color fastness it is a 100% solid Epoxy Grout with high chemical and stain resistance it is non shrinking, non sagging, fast curing efflorescence free grout. It is ideal for installation where high strength mold and mildew resistant grout joints are required it has high temperature, resistance and can be stream cleaned suitable for joints between 2 to 12 mm in width. Ideal for use in green building.
For interior Floors, Walls, Counter Tops, Installations, Industrial commercial and institutional walls and floors (Interior) installation grouting ceramic floor wall, Quarry, Pavers, Porcelain and Natural Stones.
Pack Size: : 1kg & 5kg
(Tile legnth + Tile breadth) × Tile Thickness × Joint widh × wet density
(Tile length + Joint width) × (Tile breadth + Joint width) = Kg / sq. mtr